Huoch (Huochapur I) b. 215? d. 272

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Marga (saat dilahirkan) Getae
Jenis Kelamin Pria
Nama lengkap (saat dilahirkan) Huoch (Huochapur I)
Orang Tua

Ардашир I Амалік Сасанич [Сасаничі]

Tura Mitroksdotter (Drengamor) [Mithrosdotter]

Golnar Ardavansdotter (of Parthia) [Getae]

Momen penting

215? lahir: Firuzabad (Fars), Possibly

kelahiran anak: Бахрам I Сассанович [Сассановичи]

RELI: Zoroastrian

perkawinan: Tura Mitroksdotter (Drengamor) [Mithrosdotter]

240 ? 272 gelar: King of Northern Persia

272 wafat:


Templat:Needsources Templat:Controversial His mother was condemned to death for treachery but discovered prior to her execution to be pregnant. The jailer hid her until the time of the birth. The jailer sent the child away into exile until he had attained an age where he could be safely recognized as the heir of his father. His mother was executed shortly after his birth. They myth of Aschif spread with Roman army as part of the Mithraic cult, and can be found preserved in the mythology and folklore of the Dalriad, Gaul, Baleric Islands, Denmark/Jutland, Saxony, Britain, and parts of Scandinavia.

Dari kakek nenek sampai cucu-cucu

Сасан Магупат
lahir: Істахр
Orang Tua
Ардашир I Амалік Сасанич
lahir: Город Істахр, Іран
gelar: Князівство, Князь
gelar: 224 ? 241, Князівство Перське, Князь
wafat: Царство Іранське, Дарабгард
Sura ? (Sepahbod)
gelar: 213, Lieutenant General of the Ashkanian Savaran
Orang Tua
== 3 ==
Шапур I Сасанич
EVEN: Царство Перське, Contemporary of Lucius Septimius Odaenathus
fakta 1: 221, Gundeshapur, Царство Перське, Founding of the Library of Gundeshapur
Huoch (Huochapur I)
lahir: 215?, Firuzabad (Fars), Possibly
RELI: Zoroastrian
perkawinan: Tura Mitroksdotter (Drengamor)
gelar: 240 ? 272, King of Northern Persia
wafat: 272
== 3 ==
Narseh I (Adur-Narseh) Hocsson
EVEN: Juni 251, Царство Римське, вбив Царя Деція
gelar: 293 ? 302, Князівство, Князь
მირიან III Хосроевич
lahir: 277?, Царство Перське
gelar: 284 - 361
perkawinan: Abeshura (Aspas) ?
perkawinan: w Нана Вольтурі
wafat: 361
penguburan: 361, Обитель Самтаврійська, Город Мцхета, Князівство Картське, Царство
Бахрам I Сассанович
gelar: 273 ? 276, King of Grethungi
Bahram II K'asre (Khosrau)
gelar: 270 ? 271, Shah of Iran

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