Thora (Thora Mihr) ? (Xionites, Thurandokht, Huna) d. 445

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Nama lengkap (saat dilahirkan) Thora (Thora Mihr) ?
Nama belakang lainnya Xionites, Thurandokht, Huna
Nama lainnya Turandokht - Persian, Drengjamor -
Orang Tua

Toramana ? (Mihr, Xionites, Huna) [?] d. < 515


Momen penting

lahir: Scythia, Agathyrsi

kelahiran anak: w Bacurius II of Iberia [Chosroid] d. 547

kelahiran anak: Ruda Helgesbarn (Swydd) [Hasdinga]

kelahiran anak: Vraktang (Frodo) Dagsson (Jafar Mikilati) [Swydd]

kelahiran anak: Mihirakula ? (Amr Mihr) ? (Dagsson, Xionites, Huna) [?]

kelahiran anak: Oli (Leo) Dagsson (Ulitaditya) [Swydd]

445 wafat: Sweden, Waermland


  1. Herodotus -
  2. Pliny the Elder -
  3. Claudius Ptolemy - The 2nd century geographer Claudius Ptolemy lists the Agathyrsi among tribes in 'European Sarmatia', between the Vistula and the Black Sea. The northern branch of the Agathyrsi were semi-agrarian while the southern branch remained nomadic.
  4. Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gestae - Ca. 380 AD, in a letter to Palus Maeotis writes that across the border from Geloni are Agathyrsi, who tattoo their bodies and dye their hair blue, the common people with a few small, but the nobles with many large marks. They used ritual intoxication to achieve estatic, prophetic states.
  5. Servius - Aenid 4.v.146 relates that close to 300 AD the Agathyrsi sent across a sea a contingent to Scotland, where they became identified with Picts. [Scandinavian sources relate them to the Barsarkar]
  6. Raphael Holinshed - The sixteenth century British chronicler mentioned the Agathyrsi origin of the Picts and their tradition of painting their bodies blue.

Dari kakek nenek sampai cucu-cucu

Orang Tua
Toramana ? (Mihr, Xionites, Huna)
bermukim: Pawaiya, Swythiod
wafat: < 515
gelar: < 515, Hephtalite Emperor
Orang Tua
== 3 ==
Mihirakula (Amr Mihr) ? (Huna, Xionites)
lahir: < 500
gelar: 515 ? 530, Hephtalite Emperor
Dachi of Iberia
lahir: 460
gelar: 522 - 534, King of Iberia
wafat: 534
Thora (Thora Mihr) ? (Xionites, Thurandokht, Huna)
lahir: Scythia, Agathyrsi
wafat: 445, Sweden, Waermland
== 3 ==
Eufura ? (Sigirlamsdotter, Garderike, Ringling)
lahir: Garderike
fakta 1: Foster daughter to King Frode of Denmark (Fradhash of Dacia)
wafat: Bolmso Hogland
Bacurius II of Iberia
gelar: 534 - 547, King of Iberia
wafat: 547
Фарасман V Ибери
gelar: 547 - 561, царь Иберии
wafat: 561

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